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Managing your web page

Members can  log in to edit your own web page. Display information and pictures about your business and your products. Insert links to your Facebook, Twitter and own web site, enter all markets you attend.

Log In

Become a Member

We would like to invite you to join our Stallholders Members scheme. The basis of the scheme is to help you reduce operating costs, to learn from others and to get the best out of the information we provide but also gives you an instant web marketing profile. 



The Membership Package

Please see our Membership Booklet.

The package includes a low cost but fully comprehensive Stallholder insurance policy with GM Imber, your own web page (with links to your own website), priority information (i.e. be first to be informed about new markets and special events, new legislation etc), KFMA branding (labels), Purchase discounts and Cash Back, a listing on our 'virtual Farmers Market' (our 'shop window' for selling to 3rd parties),  networking, meetings,  training days, access to Toolkits on our web site.  

The cost of Membership is £55 (you can also pay by monthly direct debit).

Please complete this form

Click here for more information..

Stallholder Insurance 

 If you also require insurance package (which costs £52 from G M Imber) the cost plus Membership will be reduced to £102. (Note Please contact to organise direct debit payments). 

Please contact GM Imber separately to arrange your insurance package.

Click here for Insurance pack details

Suppliers Catalogue

We are building up a Suppliers Catalogue for both Managers and Stallholder Members so that you can benefit from any discounts we can obtain.

  • Click HERE to view the Suppliers Catalogue.
  • Click HERE to receive the Member's Promotional Code (available to all Stallholder Members)

If you know of a supplier who could be useful to members but is not already on the list, please let us know and we will get in touch.

The Stallholder's Toolkit

We have also developed a stallholders 'toolkit' of information which gives you ideas and advice  to improve your business and encourage shoppers to buy from you.  

Marketing your Products

  • Selling at Farmers' Markets – Prospective stallholders should start here.  Farmers' markets can make for a good business and be great fun.  It can be really satisfying to meet the people who eat or use your produce and to get their feedback.  We want to encourage you to develop your ideas but also to make sure they are realistic.  There are over 400 stallholders already selling at Kent’s farmers’ markets, so if you are going to develop a successful business, you need to think through how you will fit in and whether your can make money from your ideas and skills: this document is designed to help you think through the process.
  • Being a successful stallholder – This leaflet gives you some more ideas on the things you can do to attract customers to your stall and to help them become regular visitors  
  • Stalls that sell more – This a check-list to help you improve the way that you do business at the market.



Trading Standards

When you sell food to the public it is essential that you understand your responsibilities and take reasonable precautions to ensure that you conform to the basic legal requirements. KCC Trading Standards now offer you a free 30 minute phone consultation regarding specific advice and guidance for your business (the consultation becomes chargeable after 30 minutes).  Click HERE for more information.

Trading Standards Business Advice Team can

be contacted for advice on a range of different subject, including food labelling. Their email address is

 Further details can be found here:

 There are also a range of guidance notes published through their Business Companion website here: You will find basic, concise and detailed guidance documents on this website which cover a range of topics, including food labelling.

Contact details are:-Trading Standards Environment, Planning & Enforcement | Kent County Council

| PO BOX 320,  Ashford, TN24 8AS | Tel:  03000 413887  

labelling of prepacked food (general)

Labelling of prepacked food (ingredient list)

Food allergens and intolerance

Definition of Jam and similar products

Labelling of non-prepacked foods

Labelling of prepacked foods – nutrition declaration

Labelling of prepacked foods – product name

Labelling of prepacked foods - QUID

Date and lot marking of prepacked food

Nutrition and health - claims"

Environmental Health

There are food safety standards that you must follow by law along with general good practice that customers at farmers' markets expect our stallholders to not only follow but to enthusiastically promote. Healthy food as a major part of what farmers' markets are all about so only the very best is good enough!  Please make sure you reed the following documents: Food Safety Guidance for Farmers' Markets

Risk Analysis

As a business you should complete a Risk Analysis .

We have a Policy and a

template for you to follow.(If you require an original version to amend

please contact

Allergy Advice for Stallholders

The safety of our customers always comes first. 

We need to take a belt and braces

approach to food safety and, even if it is not covered by current

legislation, we should take a precautionary approach to allergens and

ensure that ingredients are labeled correctly, your allergen chart is up

to date so you can inform customers about possible allergens. In all

circumstances, we should maintain the highest possible standards.

Farmers’ market customers expect us to be better than the rest so we

must put that into practice.

For the government’s general allergy advice to industry, see HERE>

(there are also further links on the government website which we

encourage you explore). More advice is available on the allergyuk web

site click HERE for their fact sheets


is a major difference between the requirements for those selling foods

where the producer is not present and in those cases where where the

producer is present (i.e. at a Farmers Market).  For selling loose

foods, see HERE>

Remember, if in doubt play it safe. Lives may depend on it.

Covid19:- Support for Stallholders

We have created a series of procedures and offers of supplies which will help you open up your stall safely and offset some of the additional costs required to operate whilst the virus is still with us.
We will keep updating this section as more relevant Government information is published and as we gain more practical knowledge. Read More

Catering Checklist

Outdoor Mobile catering (guidance)

We are particularly grateful to Melanie Henbest, Food Safety Team Manager, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council for her help and support in drawing up these


An example of an application form form which forms the basis of the contract between each of you and the market which should be renewed annually to keep things up to date.

Selling Online

Sale of goods through the website may require full labelling, as any product which is placed into

packaging prior to sale and then sold over via a website is classed as prepacked. It is a form of distance selling and has specific rules which  is summarised in  Distance Sales


Any information provided by Kent Farmers’ Market Association is for general guidance on rights and responsibilities and is not legal advice. If you need more details on your rights or legal advice about what action to take, please contact an adviser or solicitor.  Kent Farmers’ Market Association has tried to ensure that the information on this website is accurate.  However, the Association will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of, or the inability to use any information on this website or in any other guidance. The Association endeavours to provide a service of the highest quality; however, we cannot guarantee that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free. We are not responsible for claims brought by third parties arising from use of any guidance produced by the Association.

Kent Farmers’ Market Association assumes no responsibility for the contents of linked websites. The inclusion of any link should not be taken as endorsement of any kind by the Association of the linked website or any association with its operators. Further, the Association has no control over the availability of the linked pages.

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