The 'Market Managers Toolkit' concentrates on the practical steps you need to follow in order to set up your market. It follows on from the 'Where to Start' section and adds more detail to this information.
KFMA provides support for both Market Managers and Producer/Stallholder Members. It helps promote Farmers Markets, Producers and Local food and aims to help all improve retail food standards.
The Association is run by a Board of volunteers, who either run their own markets, or are Producers or have close relationships with the retailing of 'Local food'. The 'Market Managers Tool kit' brings together information and ideas gleaned from our own experiences. However, we are continually looking to improve our advice. Please send any comments/suggestions which could improve or further clarify these texts to .
This information is freely available to anyone who has an interest in running a market and those selling local produce via a Farmers’ , Village or Community Market. We have worked with a number of new markets and Local Authorities and successfully helped them to start up markets and would be pleased to discuss what’s involved if you are interested in setting up such a market in your community.
Firstly, we would encourage you to adopt a set of guiding principles to help you define why you think a Local Food Market will bring benefits to your shopping community. These could include:
We would strongly recommend that before you commit to starting up a market that you find like minded partners to spread the work load and to bring different skills to your organisation such as :-
Many organisations may actual help you open doors you hadn't thought of and offer financial help. Local Authorities often see Farmers Markets as a way to support existing local shops by persuading shoppers to stay in their town or village. A good Farmers Market can help the local economy and boost their local regeneration plans.
Investment will be required to 'inform' the local shopping population as to what is happening. Good quality signage and fliers are key to making an impression. Your local Parish Council, Local Authority and County Councillor may be able to help here as well as sponsors keen to promote your village/town can also help (especially if their names are seen on the signage)
The job of the Market Manager is vital to the successful running of your market. The Market Manager is in effect, running a small (or maybe large) retail outlet with the added complication that it only runs for a few hours per week or month and that all of the departments (i.e. producers) are independent businesses.
One of the key job functions of the Market Manager is to ensure the Market's footfall ( i.e. visitors/customers) is sufficient to ensure producers/Stallholders make sufficient income to continue to support the market.
Low footfall = loss of stallholders = even lower footfall = the downward spiral.
We have tried to define all the jobs a Market Manager has to do but there are always some extra ones depending on the location.
See Appendix B for a Market Manager Job Descripton
The Farmers Market (*) ‘Brand’ defines the differences between shopping for food at other retail outlets (e.g. supermarkets) and at a Farmers Market and highlights the difference such markets can make to the local communities. The 'Brand' tells our 'story' which is focused on the following:
Farmers’ Markets offer produce that is grown, reared, or processed locally to customers living in urban and rural environments. In our case, this is from Kent, Surrey or Sussex. Produced food and drink should also contain as many local ingredients as practical.
Stallholders should be involved in and/or knowledgeable about the production of everything they sell. Products must NOT be bought from wholesale markets or any other source where meat, fruit or vegetables cannot be traced back to the farm where it was raised or grown.
Farmers Market customers expect and value high quality, fresh produce. It should be produced in ways that conserve the environment and respect animal welfare, (free-range for example). It must also comply with all relevant regulatory standards. It should not require chemical compounds to expand shelf live, colourings to make them look more appealing and chemicals to help them increase production.
Farmers Markets have become the centre of small rural communities (especially those with none or just a couple of shops). In urban locations those markets which include the selling of of Street Food (made with local produce) have become a regular social attraction. In both situations they are the place to meet and socialise. An attraction not missed by many Local Authorities which see a Farmers Market as a low cost investment to attract customers back to High Streets.
Farmers Markets offer anyone, who believe they have products that might enable them to create a viable long term business, a low cost retail outlet testing ground for their products. Most customers are attracted by local produce so where else can you get immediate feedback from customers ? The initial investment cost is minimal compared selling wholesale to shops or investing in a local reatil outlet, and feedback is almost instant.
(*) Where markets wish to sell other and non food products (e.g. craft) we would still expect the food sold at the market to conform to the Farmers Market 'Brand' but we suggest you use a different name (e.g. a 'Farmers and Craft Market' or Village Market or Community market etc) so customers understand you are selling more than local food (See Section 13).
Before you start to set up a Farmers' Market, we would strongly recommend that you learn from others. Not only will this enable you to avoid mistakes but also to give you confidence that you are following a well worn track ! We strongly recommend that you approach KFMA (we have both Managers and Stallholders on the Board) and managers of Farmer's Markets close to you. Discuss your ideas and plans and they can help by pointing you in the right direction to help you move your ideas into reality.
We would also strongly recommend you:-
This doesn’t need to be formal. However, if you wish to apply for grants, you may be asked to supply a copy of your Constitution. Once done review it anually and amend it from time to time. A Constitution simply makes you think about:- why are you doing this and how will it operate and then the practical items such as where should it be located and what needs to be in place before you get your market underway. See Appendix A foe an example
As a minimum, you should try and set out:
Inform your local County and Local Authority Councillors, and especially your Parish Council, so that they are aware that you are starting up the Market. They need to be 'sold' on the idea. If you can show them a Constitution and written organisational and marketing plans they will take your ideas more seriously. They may well be able to help you promote the market through their own social media facilities and offer grants to help pay for initial set up and marketing costs.
The key elements required for market location differ depending if the market is in a rural or urban environment. In both, parking is KEY. Customers don't want to have to walk far to their cars and stallholders need to be able to unload and park somewhere fairly close to the market. In an urban situation there is usually a choice of car parks but again the need for parking, preferably free, for stallholders, is important. Being located in the centre of the community works well, as does being close to a well known site of interest e.g. a historic site or site with a view. However, many Markets thrive in a municipal car park
Other key items to think about are how close are the nearest toilets and cash machines, especially if the local reception for mobile phones is poor (as more and more stallholders now rely on card payments).
Discuss locations with your local Parish Council or local Councillors as they often have a knowledge of potential sites and what sites could benefit a local community.
We have also found that various businesses with spare parking are keen to house a Farmers Market in the hope it will benefit their own businesses e.g. pubs, visitor attractions etc. It can work, but usually only when these businesses are willing to commit sufficient time to promote and support the market in the long term (i.e. as well as running their own business).
Before you spend too much time on setting up the market you MUST inform your local Planning Department if the market will be held on Public grounds or could impact traffic flows, (if the latter then inform your local Police as well) but, most importantly, as you are in effect setting up a Food Retail 'pop up shop' inform your Environmental Health Department. They are usually very helpful and can offer advice. More information is given in the separate 'Food Safety Guidance' section which has been written by Local Authority Environmental Officers.
Running a Farmers Market is the same as running an 'EVENT'. Accidents can occur and one remedy that the injured party may take is to sue whoever is running the Event and whoever owns the land/premises. This is why it is essential to take out a Market Liability insurance (which is over and above stallholder insurances) to protect you against suits filed against the market. When your market is run on public grounds it is normal for the owner (e.g. Local Authority) to request a copy of your liability insurance BEFORE giving you the go ahead to run the market. Your Market insurance should cover you for accidents happening outside the market area e.g. signs blowing over, traffic entering and exiting the market area, pot holes in the drive way. Are you providing gazebos /tables ? Are gazebos properly secured to ensure they cannot blow over and injure someone.(You will also find that insurances have their own limitations e.g. if the wind speed is greater than x (usually 20-to 22 mph) gazebos should be taken down). If a table collapses and causes injury, who is responsible, the supplier, you if it was not set up correctly ?
If your Village Hall informs you that you are covered under their insurance make sure you have a copy of their insurance policy and a note from an official to inform you that they take full responsibility for liabilities during the operation of the market
See also Section 5.9
Signage and banners are the best way to inform locals as to what is going on. Do not stint on the design of banners and 'A' boards and make them suitable to fit into a rural or urban location. (Remember that drivers have only 1 or 2 seconds to take in the information so make sure the wording is brief and to the point.) You need to be aware of the fact that some Local Authorities do not like banners on the side of roads, especially at busy junctions.
You will also need to produce fliers, leaflets, adverts and articles for local newspapers and parish magazine.
Good locations for fliers are in Churches, Hairdressers, Doctors surgeries, libraries, Pharmacists (anywhere where people have to sit and wait !). Local schools are also helpful (especially if you invite pupils to visit the market !) and many schools are happy to take fliers and make sure they are inserted in their 'Book Bags'.
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are useful to launch your market and get word around the community. If you are starting from scratch find existing local/community sites which already have a good local reach and tell them of your ideas. They are often keen to promote local stories, especially if they see you as good for future (e.g. monthly) stories. In return you benefit by reaching out to their readers.
You could produce your own web site. However this takes time and money. You then need to determine how to inform everyone about it and how to find it. As a Member of Kent Farmers Market Association we can help you set up your own web pages on the KFMA web site immediately. An average of over 5000 viewers use this web site per month. Your Market web page enables you to inform the public about your market, how to find it, where to park, what produce is sold, details about your stallholders, your contact details plus links to your Social Media sites.
Your market will also be displayed on the KFMA Market Calendar and Market map. So you have the possibility of attracting local produce shoppers who are looking for markets in your area immediately. To set up your site contact our the KFMA Membership Secretary Laura (
Note:- All your promotional and social media material should link back to your web page which then becomes the reference point for customers.
Once you are up and running you may want to add attractions which will tempt new customers e.g :-
For more information and to join our Association please contact our Membership Secretary
(Note Membership is open to Famers Markets outside of Kent). See also Membership Section
Click here to open our Membership booklet - Web Site: This defines the benefits that we can offer both Producers and Market Managers.
The KFMA website is a ‘one stop shop’ for all markets and events conforming to the Farmers Market food principles. It receives between 5-6000 visitors per month. Each market has their own webpage which can be updated either by yourself or by our our Membership Secretary ( ). The web site includes basic information describing your market, it's location on google maps, parking information plus your all contact details so customers and stallholders can contact you.
Example of a Market Web Page (part)
Producers can also become Members. We would recommend that you inform them of the benefits of joining KFMA. They have their own Web pages, updated by, which includes information about their background and their products plus images. Stallholder information is embedded within your Market web site so it helps improve the overall feel and look of your market (non members are given a 2 line description).
Example of a Producers Page
Customers can sign up, via your market page, to receive a Market Reminder n days before the market.This section requests readers who have signed up whether they would also like to receive your Market newsletter
We have almost 7000 followers on Twitter, which gives immediate and widespread publicity for markets and any producers new to social media, 1000+ on Instagram and Facebook. We constantly announce up and coming markets and promote the wares of Stallholder/Producer Members.
Our major promotion feature is our magazine EatDrinkKent which is all about the benefits of eating local produce, markets, local producers, where to find them, recipes, health eating etc. We welcome articles about yourself, your Market and your produce, please send to our editor Bruce McMichael (
We have subsidised local radio advertising (contact for information). and write features for magazines (see our series in ‘Kent Life’ and Kent Messenger) and have monthly ‘in season template articles' for Managers to adopt for their own local magazines. Contact if you would like to receive these articles
It is essential that your 'retail outlet/market' is fully insured to protect you, your helpers (paid or volunteers) and the public from the outcome of potential accidents. By becoming a Member of Kent Farmers Market Association you qualify for a Market Insurance policy , which is both cost effective and includes special clauses aimed at helping you run your market. (See Appendix G) Please contact for more information. Your Market policy will only be valid if all your market is a members of KFM and your stallholders have a valid insurance and sufficient liability coverage (usually defined as £5 Million Public and Product insurance and £10 Million Employees insurance (i.e. this protects anyone else manning the stall who may or may not be employed).
Ensuring your Stallholders have sufficient insurance is a key responsibility of the Market Organiser as you can be made personally liable for potential claims. You can add Producers/stallholders insurance details to the Administrative section of your web site which you can print out (and check they are up to date).
As Manager you are responsible for ensuring that the public, stallholders and volunteers are safe. As long as you have taken all reasonable precautions your insurance policy protects you against such liabilities. However, you must ensure that your insurance covers you not only on the market premises but also further afield (e.g. signs in public locations).
- See Appendix F regarding the KFMA Market insurance package.
This package is available to any Famers Market in the UK who join the Association and includes:-
All with a £10million indemnity limit
(*) This is a legal requirement which covers helpers/volunteers as they are classified as being ‘employed’.
See Appendix F re the Market Insurance
If you hold your market inside a Village Hall, you may use their insurance to cover your market, however, you should make sure that their policy covers:-
5 – hygiene standards are very good
4 – hygiene standards are good
3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
2 – some improvement is necessary
1 – major improvement is necessary
0 – urgent improvement is necessary
Note When you 'sign up' stalholders who are food producer please inform us of the formal trading name of your stallholders and we will create the link which enables their scores certificate to be displayed on the ;stallholders description on the web site.
You may also need to consult with your local Planning Department and Police if your Market has any impact on local traffic and especially if the market requires any road closures.
As your market will be open to the general public you should undertake a general risk assessment in order to identify and eliminate potential hazards. A Risk Assessment is a list of all the things that can go wrong and what to do if they do. The risks to be covered depend on the layout and location of the site of the market but most items are common.
See Appendix E for a Market Risk Assessment template for you to adapt (A text version is available so you can amend it to suit local requirements). Please contact to obtain a copy.
Some Local Authorities may require you take out a Market licence. If your market includes street trading or road closures, you will need to apply to your Local Authority for a license.
You should always have a good First Aid kit on the market and preferably someone on the Market who has First Aid qualifications. In all cases you should maintain an Incident Book where you note any accidents and problems.
As an organiser, especially of a large market you should create a policy as to how to deal with a lost child or vulnerable person.
The following information should be adapted for your own use:-
You have a legal requirement to carry out an Electric Safety check by an approved contractor to ensure the safety of all installed appliances. You will also need a PAT (Portable Appliance Test) to be carried out to ensure your portable electric appliances are safe
Stallholders may bring their own generators, so the noise factor is important.
This covers the labelling of food which is sold at your market and is a Stallholder responsibility. However, when selling food to the public it is essential that you take reasonable precautions to ensure that your Stallholders conform to the basic legal requirements.
Trading Standards Business Advice Team can be contacted for advice on a range of different subject, including food labelling. Their email address is Further details can be found here:
To find out more there is a range of guidance notes published through their Business Companion website You will find basic, concise and detailed guidance documents on this website which cover a range of topics, including food labelling.
Contact details are:-Trading Standards Environment, Planning & Enforcement | Kent County Council | PO BOX 320, Ashford, TN24 8AS | Tel: 03000 413887
Labelling can be complicated but is essential. Stallholders must follow the appropriate rules :-
Allergy advice is VERY IMPORTANT as stallholders need to warn customers about allergies in their products which could harm them. They must be able to show customers an Allergen Chart
This should includes a list of all their products and allergies Click here to produce a Standard template
From 1st October 2021 standard labelling for Pre-Packed for Direct Sales (PPDS) foods now includes:-
(*) Any items bought in which are included in a stallholders product also needs to have allergens defined
This includes any food item that is packaged before they are ordered by a customer. These products must have also been packaged on the same site that they are sold or then transported to a temporary point of retail for the same business. For example, being moved to a food stall operating temporarily on a high street.
The packaging for a PPDS item doesn’t have to be fully enclosing it, but it must be sealed so that the product can not come into contact with an allergen after already being labelled.
PPDS legislation only applies to food products that have been packaged before they are selected. Items that are packaged after selection should have their potential allergens listed elsewhere and they should be consulted to the consumer before the purchase is made.'PPDS food is defined as food being offered for sale by the same food business to the final consumer on the same premises i.e. on the same site or on other premises if the food is offered for sale from a moveable and/or temporary premises (such as marquee, market stall, mobile sale vehicle) and if the food is offered for sale by the same food business who packed it.'
Food is considered to be pre packed when it is put into packaging before being offered for sale and:-
Much of the law surrounding Allergies was created after the death of Natasha who died from eating take away food which did not inform her as to the ingredients Click here for Natasha's Law Allergens
You must obtain a Temporary Event Licence (TEN) to sell alcohol on market premise from your Local Authority. This is in addition to the license required by the vendor of the alcohol. (i.e. it covers the actual area where the alcohol will be sold i.e. the specific location of the market.). Contact your Local Authority to find out their requirements. This will require a payment up front followed by annual renewal payments
From 21st May 2021 all businesses regardless of size are required by law to charge a minimum of 10p for every single-use carrier bag.
These bags are defined as :-
They don’t need to charge for plastic bags that are:
Stallholders should charge at least 10p a bag and it is expected that they give the money made to charities (preferably environmental charities)
You should create a Health and Safety Policy for your market which covers the above points (See Appendix D for an example of a Health and Safety Policy)
As aprt of your responsibilities you are responsible for ensuring the produce offered for sale is fresh and packaged correctly, In addiution, any labelling on packaged goods should describe the product correctly and conform to tradong standrads. In cases where here is disagreement you should refer the matter to the professionals in the Food Hygeine Department of your Local Authority to deal with the matter.
This defines the overall process to set up and run your market. It defines how the market is to be organised. Such a document proves to others how business-like you are and it will help you raise funds when applying for Local Authority and other grants. The document should cover the following:-
This will differ from market to market :-
It is important to have a Constitution for the market especially if you are aiming for grants. It could be set up as a:-
The key is to start off simply, e.g. a sub-committee of the Parish Council or the Village Hall or just a 'not for profit independent group' with its own constitution. KFMA can provide additional advice.
Firstly create a list of all your expenditures and divide them into one off (initial) expenditures and on going expenditures:-
Note: KCC (Highways) are relatively lenient when it comes to Community organisations using signage for short periods but DO NOT fix signs to street lights and other street furniture. Inform your Local Authority when you wish to display temporary signs and remind them that you will remove them immediately after the market. Supporters of the market may be prepared to put up a sign on their premises, as would local Farmers and schools might even put up banners on their railings. MAKE SURE that you DO NOT block vehicle lines of sight.
This is a simple budget. It will give you a good idea as to how much money will be required to help get the market off the ground.
Divide costs between
From this information you can develop a monthly 'Cash flow' Statement seperating your initial fixed costs from monthly income and expenditure. This will tell you how long your market project will take to 'break even' i.e. the point when you have paid for all the initial start up costs and income becomes more than than operating costs.
(*) Will you provide the tables, gazebos ? Providing stalls and tables offers certain advantages in terms of time to set up, unity of design but it adds significantly to start-up and running costs.
When developing your budget you will need to set aside some money to pay for future expenses i.e. a reserve. However, when you are setting up your market you will not had chance to build up any funds just when you need them. Consequently this is the time when you need to look around for funding help.
Once you have developed your cash Flow/Operating budget, we would strongly recommend involving your local Parish and Local Authorities in your plans. You may find that they may well be able to help both in terms of cash to help you get the project off the ground or in terms of ways and means to help your reduce various costs.
Farmers markets are often seen by Local Authorities as a major community asset as they also attract customers to shops in the area in which the market operates. Consequenetly you should discuss your plans with your Parish Council, (who may be able to offer extra help in terms of finding volunteers) and Local Authority Councillors, who can take your case forward for potential funding and your County Councillor (as they sometimes have funds for local community initiatives). In all cases make sure you can give them a costed plan/ash flow statement (see 9.5 below) so:-
Local businesses may be willing to sponsor your market and offer help to print, pay for banners, bags etc in return for their name appearing on the same material. Local pubs, and restaurants who share suppliers may be prepared to help publicise your market or get involved giving cooking demonstrations at markets.
To get the market off the ground you will need some working capital to cover initial expenditure even if it is just fliers, advertising boards and banners, adverts in local papers, hire of venue, telephone, printing etc. Armed with your Operational Plan we strongly recommend you approach your local Parish council and/or Local Authority who see Farmers Markets not only as a way to revive their local economies but also to support multiple small local food producers. They may well be able to help find an appropriate grant to help cover some of these initial fees, especially if you are a Community based operation. Your KCC Councillor may be able to help as they are given an annual budget to spend on community based projects.
This is a Government initiative to support small local rural businesses. Local Authorities (L.A) were requested to bid to administer the fund. In Kent the following Local Authorities were successful. Unfortunately each LA administers the grants in their own way so apart from the objectives the timings and requirements may well differ from LA to LA.
The fund is limited to CAPITAL items only and offers up to 50% of the total amount.
Note The fund available is constrained by date so check the time period is still valid.
Although the fund is aimed at small food retail businesses Markets could also benefit (see potential list below)
We will be informing all Producers of the grant and would ask you to also inform them
The LA areas covered by the grant are:-
The sorts of projects Markets could apply for are:-
Others more complex include:-
This is a flier developed by West Kent which describes general objectives :-
Markets take place weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Weekly markets tend to be on weekdays; monthly markets on weekends. When setting up your market check with the KFMA Calendar to see if your planned dates clashes with other local markets.
Note:- it is easier for a market to become more frequent if the market proves a success than to reduce frequency if a weekly or bi-weekly market cannot be sustained.
The site is critical to successful markets. Factors that need to be taken into consideration include
It is recommended that you create a comprehensive market plan showing the location of all stalls, entrances and exits. The location you have may dictate your plan but if you have considerable space, there are various layout designs which you can follow. e.g. A circle/horse-shoe design with a natural entrance and exit close together so customers walk round the whole market. Having stalls back to back in the middle facing outwards so customers not only walk around but move across as well. The key is to make sure no stalls are isolated and the distance between stalls is never too far. A cosy atmosphere is the key to as good design, though if the market becomes busy you may well have to move stalls further apart. Coffee and street-food stalls at one end with tables and chairs located in front of a small stage creates the perfect social location for shoppers to relax before moving on
As a general rule it is better to erect stalls stalls with space around them. This gives the impression of a larger market and offers stallholders more storage space. However, in exposed situations, it is safer to link stalls together. This makes them more of a barrier against gusts of wind.
Contact your local Council for advice as to whether any additional planning permission will be needed to run the event, especially if the market entrance and exit impacts of local traffic. Some Local Authorities may request you obtain Planning permission for temporary signage.
‘Primary Produces’ sell the basics i.e. meat, fish, vegetables, bread and cheese are essential to attract customers. However, space may dictate availability of Primary producers as they often sell from their vans and need outside space.
Primary Producers need to be augmented by ‘Secondary producers’ such as preserves, cakes, chocolates, honey, pies, dairy, eggs, wine, beer etc.
They can also be added in season on a regular basis, e.g. flowers, asparagus, soft fruit, ice cream, herbs and plants.
Fortnightly and monthly markets and those in towns tend to be bigger (e.g. 25 stalls upwards because they can attract more shoppers). Weekly markets and those in villages have a loyal but smaller following, but cannot sustain as many stalls, (around 8-15). The size of the market and customer potential determines whether you are able to duplicate some stalls.
The quality of the produce is paramount to persuade customers to change their shopping habits. Your Stallholder Agreement should set the standards you expect stallholders to comply to. This should define ‘locally produced’, ‘fresh’, ‘direct from the producer’ etc. You may have to accept a pragmatic degree of ‘hybrid’ stallholders to meet local demand.
This is the contract between the Market and Stallholder. It defines the rules of the market, the rates and how problems will be solved. You should then maintain a file for each stallholder comprising the signed Agreement, copies of their Insurance policies and Food Hygiene certificates (for those preparing and selling food). You can add the Stallholder Insurance and Food Hygiene certificate details on your web site (See 'Admin') . This will then indicate when insurances expire (inform,uk if you wish her to up date your stallholder list with the information) . It may be checked by your local Environmental Health Inspector as part of your compliance to retailing of food.
As manager, you are responsible to ensure that the quality of the produce sold and stallholder behaviour are of a satisfactory standard. Customers often may not complain directly but they simply will not return. As you accepted the stallholders in the first place you must always keep your eyes open to make sure they reach and sustain your level of quality satisfaction.
As regards food quality your local Environmental Hygiene department offers basic support in terms of ensuring that the locations used by stallholders to prepare their products are safe from a hygienic point of view. Any stallholder with a mark of less than 4 should be queried directly to determine the problem they have experienced and find out how they intend to correct the situation. (Note:- If the Certificate is missing from one of your stallholders, please ask the stallholder for the appropriate name used as it may not be filed under Trading Name.)
(See Appendix B Market Managers Job Description). You may decide that you can take on all the roles i.e. marketing, operational, etc. For a larger Market it is a good idea to set up a Management Committee to share out the workload e.g. market operations, marketing, social media and promotion. The Market Manager's position may be voluntary or paid part-time or part of your own business. A Treasurer will be needed look after the financial operation of the market.
Standards give customers confidence regarding the quality of produce they are buying. These are:-
Farmers’ markets are all about selling local produce, and supporting local farmers. Accordingly, a stallholder should :
Stallholders must be involved in and knowledgeable about the production of everything they sell. Ideally they should be the producer or an employee or relative. No bought in produce purchased for re-sale may be sold.
Shoppers expect products sold at a farmers’ market to be produced in ways which enhance the environment and respect animal welfare. All meat and products derived from animals, e.g. eggs should be free-range whether sold fresh or as part of a processed product.
Shoppers expect products to be high quality, fresh and offer good value. The Market Manager needs to assess the quality threshold that needs to be met.
Stallholders must be able to demonstrate and confirm that all their food products must comply with all relevant regulatory standards.
Very occasionally you may have to deal with problems arising because stallholders may fall out with each other or you (usually about where to be located, timeliness (or lack of), ignoring regulations or failing to inform you about turning up etc.). So it's best to be prepared and have a section in your Stallholder Agreement e.g. "Any stall holder considered to be not adhering to the rules, behaving unacceptably or deemed to be bringing the market into disrepute will be excluded from this and any other market run by the organisers" and "physical & verbal abuse either on site or via social media is not tolerated ". The Agreement should define the procedure to be followed (which should follow employment regulations)
1) A Stallholder should be first given a verbal request to conform to Market rules.
2) If this this is ignored a written request should follow informing the stallholder to conform
3) If this is ignored, a final letter should be given to stallholder excluding him/her from the market forthwith.
'Guest stalls’ do not comply with the normal local Food Stallholder standards. Where it is impossible to find a local producer for a key product (e.g. fish) a guest stall may be key to the overall operation of the market. However, it must be made transparent to shoppers that the stall/produce is distinctive from the spirit of the market, e.g. that the produce is not local. In general, no more than 10% of a Farmers Market’s annual stall population should be ‘Guest stalls.
We have developed a list of stallholders who have previously informed us that they are looking for more markets to sell at. You will need your log on to access it. Please contact to find your log on details.
Every month KFMA also sends out a newsletter to all Managers and Stallholders informing them what new stallholders have joined the
'Markets looking for Stallholders' List
Please let Laura know if you find a stallholder who no longer wishes to be on the list (we send out reminders to stallholders but there is no guarantee that they inform us !).
The newsletter also includes information about Market looking for stallholders selling specific produce.
(Note: it is usually more difficult to find stallholders for a week-end market as they usually have their week-ends booked in advance at existing markets. It is usually easier to find stallholders for a weekday market as stallholders see them as a way of earning incremental income.)
The fee rates for stallholders vary ranging from £8 to £30. The fee is normally dependent upon:-
It is normal to charge a flat fee plus additions (e.g. size of the stall, availability of gazebo etc). A more equitable method would be to determine a rate based on related to turnover however unless you have the facilities to control it this approach tends to be complex and possibly open to abuse.
Your stallholder Agreement should define your fees and the timing of payment.
One problem that can have an immediate affect on the attractiveness of a market is when stallholders do not turn up. One approach to help continuity of attendance is to offer stallholders a discount for attending a certain number of markets e.g. one free market after attending 'n' markets or a reduced monthly fee for weekly markets. Charging half price for the first market is also helpful especially for new Producers. Another way is to request stallholders to pay in advance and only offer a refund if given sufficient time to find a replacement stallholder.
You may wish to offer charities a reduced fee or free stall especially if they in turn promote your market
Once you have organised your market and stallholders the next step is to name it. The Association is happy to welcome all types of markets selling local food or a mixture of local food and craft as long as they conform to the 'Farmers Market' brand. Consequently we would ask you to use a Market 'name which best describes your market e.g. a 'Farmers and Craft Market' or a 'Community' or 'Village' Market or a special name local to the market. (The proportion of number of non Food stalls defines the Market name. i.e. A 'Farmers Market' should aim at approximately of no more than 10% being of craft type stalls.)
Kent Food Hubs challenges the conventional way we all shop by offering an online platform for local and ethical food. The hub is as easy as shopping online from a supermarket. The 'Open Food Network' offers a comprehensive on line system to sell on line see
Shopping this way reduces food miles, supports your local community, and reduces the use of single use plastics.
There are currently two hubs in Folkestone. If you are a market manager who would like to explore running a weekly hub, please contact
The 'Open Food Network' was designed specifically for Farmers Markets and allows producers to sell their goods direct to the consumer or through a hub. It was originally designed in Australia as an Open System Network (which enables it to grow by incorporating ideas from elsewhere). It is now available, with support, in many countries in the world. It is free to sign up as a producer and as a market or hub. The software is easy to use and has a lot of great features.
We have negotiated bulk discounts on banners, gazebos, chalkboards, leaflet printing as well as cashback benefits
We work closely with Visit Kent, Produced in Kent and Action for Communities in Rural Kent, and Rural Plc (Kent) and the Kent County Show.
We are building various photographic databasea of both high and low quality and images which Members and Media can use
Click here for an example Farmers Market Constitution
If you would like a word version of this document to amend for your own use please email:-
Market Managers play the key role in achieving the smooth running of the market. They work with the management committee, stallholders and other interested parties to develop and promote the availability of local, fresh produce for their community. Overall, they keep everyone happy !
The Job Description incorporates an example of all the duties of a Farmer Market Manager however, you may wish to spread the activities identified across two or three people depending on the resources you have available.
Click here to see an example of a Farmers Market Managers Job Description
If you would like a word version of this document to amend for your own use please email:-
You should develop a ‘contract’ with your stallholders. This helps avoid disagreements with Stallholders and that they understands the rules of your market. Both you and the your stallholders should sign it and keep copies.
The market should maintain a file of information for each stallholder comprising a signed agreement of the market rules, copies of relevant Insurance policies and food hygiene certificates for those preparing and selling food.
The following is a draft which you can copy and paste and then amend for your market. Items in italics are optional and may not be relevant to your market.
The Stallholder Agreement forms the basis of the contract between stallholders and the market which should be renewed annually to keep things up to date,
This document draft sets out the terms, conditions and regulations for participation in 'XYZ' Market and, when signed by both parties, constitutes a binding agreement between the nominated stallholder and the Market Management Committee.
Produce defintion
In order to maintain the balance of the Market, the type and range of goods offered for sale by each stallholder is restricted to those previously agreed and registered with the Management Committee.
Regulatory Compliance
Assembly and Dismantling of Stalls
- Whilst a stallholder may, in certain circumstances (i.e. selling out), cease trading before the market closes, they should remain in attendance until the appointed closing time (empty stalls have a detrimental effect on the overall look and balance of the market).
- Standard stalls may be provided by the Market. Any departure from this arrangement must be with the prior agreement of the Management Committee
Stall Fees
Utilities and Facilities
Disciplinary Measures
Stallholders will be given 28 days notice of any changes prior to their implementation
Monitoring compliance
Click here to see a comprehensive Market Risk Assessment. This includes a Risk Assessment for both Indoor and Outdoor markets as well as additional assessments to be taken into account for Covid
If you would like a word version of this document to amend for your own use please email:-
The purpose of this policy is to:-
The Policy lays out the commitments made by the market and informs staff, associated personnel and Stallholders/Producers (*) of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.
Sexual harassment in the workplace Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy
• Safeguarding concerns in the wider community
The Market believes that everyone we come into contact with, regardless of age, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation or ethnic origin has the right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation. The Market will not tolerate abuse and exploitation by staff or associated personnel.
This policy will address the following areas of safeguarding: child safeguarding, adult safeguarding, and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse. It also concerns the Code of Conduct expected of Stallholders when present at the market
The Market commits to addressing safeguarding throughout its work, through the three pillars of :
Market personnel and associated personnel must not:
Market personnel and associated personnel must not:
Market personnel and associated personnel must not:
Additionally, Market personnel and associated personnel are obliged to:
Market personnel and associated personnel who have a complaint or concern relating to either Safeguarding or Code of Conduct should report it immediately to the Market Manager or a Member of the Market Committee.
The Market Manager will keep a formal report of all complaints or concerns and responses
The Market Manager will :-
It is essential that confidentiality in maintained at all stages of the process when dealing with both breakages of Code of Conduct and Safeguarding concerns. Information relating to the concern and subsequent case management should only be shared with the Committee and appropriate Local Authority personel, in cases of Food Regulations, and should be kept secure at all times.
Someone who directly receives goods or services from Market’s programme. Note that misuse of power can also apply to the wider community that the Market serves and also can include exploitation by giving the perception of being in a position of power.
A person below the age of 18
Psychological, physical and any other infringement of an individual’s rights.
This includes (but is not limited to) humiliating and degrading treatment such as bad name calling, constant criticism, belittling, persistent shaming etc
Any information provided by Kent Farmers Market Association is for general guidance on rights and responsibilities and Is not legal advice. If you need more details on your rights or legal advice about what action to take, please contact either KCC Trading Standards, who can provide legal compliance advice, or a knowledgeable advisor or solicitor.
We are reliant on changes to operational information being received in a timely manner. In addition, weather conditions and seasonality may impact availability of produce and stallholder attendance at markets, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information.
Copyright notice
All photos, graphics and other information on this website is copyright © by Kent Farmers Market Association or the respective photographers or acknowledged authors. All rights reserved. Use of our material is only permitted as long as it is for support of Farmers Markets in Kent. Commercial use or any use for the purpose of publication elsewhere, and by whichever media, requires written permission from the Association, who can be contacted through
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